Ajuda na manutenção do blog: PIX: marceloescritor2@outlook.com: Para Marcelo de Oliveira Souza

quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2011


CHILE, Santiago [English-Arabic]: The NGO-WORLD- La ONG-MUNDIAL 'Poets of the World' is organizing the FIRST MEETING OF POETS OF THE WORLD 'ROAD TO THE SOUTH' _“CAMINO AL SUR” - UNE TRAWÜN WALMAPU WIRINTUKUFE “WILLI RÜPÜ MEW”, activity will take place from Saturday 19 to Monday, February 28, 2011 in Santiago, the Chilean capital, la Isla de Chiloé and the Región de los Lagos, more than a thousand kilometers south of Santiago, in the heart of the country.

The program also provides an event commemorating the first anniversary of the earthquake that struck the area on February 27, 2010, earthquake considered the fifth most violent recorded on the planet and left hundreds of deaths and hundreds of thousands homeless. The activity will take place the same day 27 February and at the epicenter of the catastrophe that hit hard to Chileans.


Another of the highlights of the event will be the visit to the Mapuche prisoners detained in jails in Temuco and Angol accused of 'terrorist acts.' Many will remember the hunger strikes emblematic these prisoners held in the course of this year and had several of them on the brink of death.

This event is part poetry which is one of the prime duties of every poet of the world do not miss visit any neighborhood to spread the word, as if it were rain falling on the earth, making a show of grace, as if they were flowers to the eyes of the mankind. The poet will be the guiding light to the warrior like dunes in the dark of night.” [Article 8, Universal Manifesto of poets of the World]

First International Meeting of Poets of the World
Une Trawün Walmapu Wirintukufe
From 19 to 28 February 2011

Poets of the World in its mission for the peace, justice and the protection of indigenous peoples, organized the first international gathering of poets 'ROAD TO THE SOUTH', as an expression of solidarity with the Mapuche communities that since the arrival of invading living in constant resistance to those who harass their existencia. We call upon the poets of the world to take cognizance of the reality of the Mapuche nation and express their support through the art of the word.


Saturday February 19

Receiving guests
20:00 Opening of the meeting at the Urban Indigenous Ministry. Cocktail Mapuche and Mapuche music. [Night Hotel in Santiago]

Sunday, February 20

08:00 Departure to South
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch in Chillan
así como con la República Argentina.
[Silla del Sol in mapudungun] is a commune in the southern central Chile, capital of the Province of Ñuble, also form along with the town commune of Chillán viejo la Conurbación Chillán. The city is also known as the Cradle of the Nation or Earth of Artists. It is the seat of the Diocese of Chillán.
18:00 Arrival to Temuco and installation at hotel. The city's name comes from Temuco, which is a term in Mapudungun which means 'water of fear', _'agua de temo', ['temu' en mapudungun], is a native tree of the family mirtáceas cabezaceas. Temuco is the capital of the IX region of Araucanía and the Province of Cautín, Chile, is located 670 kilometers south of Santiago. Due to its proximity to a number of resorts lake is a center from which to start various tour operators. 20:00 Public act front the jail of Temuco. Poetry reading
22:00 Dinner [Night in Temuco]

Monday, February 21

9:00 to 11:00 Visit to the Mapuche prisoners in the jail of Temuco. Writing workshop.
11:00 Departure to South
13:30 to 15:30 Lunch in Panguipulli ['Cerros del puma', del mapudungún pangui=púma pulli=cerros]
is a commune located in the province of Valdivia, in XIV Region de Los Ríos. It has a population of 33,273 inhabitants [Census 2002] and an area of 3.332km ². It borders with the communes, of Villarrica, Los Lagos, Lanco and Futrono, well as with Republic Argentina. Panguipulli also is known as the 'commune of de los Siete Lagos', since in its territory the lakes- los lagos Calafquén, Pullinque, Pellaifa, Neltume, Riñihue, Pirihueico y Panguipulli, whose shores is found the village of the same name,header of the commune. Its first known inhabitants were the Mapuche who populate its shores. While the village of Panguipulli was officially founded in year 1946, written records are known under his name since 1776. Tourism is now an activity that takes a very important enhancement in the 'Destino Sietelagos' brand name under which the commune of Panguipulli positions in national and international markets
15:30 Departure to Chiloé. Chiloé is a transformation of Chilhué, the Spanish adaptation of chillwe, word that mapudungun meaning «lugar de chelles». _ 'place of chelles.'Los chelles [Larus maculipennis], also called Cahuil or terns, _ cáhuiles o gaviotines, are white birds of
black head, very common on the beaches and lagoons of the archipelago. The Chiloé archipelago is located in southern of Chile, between a parallels 41 º and 43 º south latitude. Mainly comprises a large island, the Isla Grande de Chiloé, also a large number of islands and smaller islands.
The archipelago has an area of 9,181 km ² and had a total population of 154,766 people in year 2002. Other information relating to Chloe: Culture 'tri-meztiza' mixture of Chonos
[indigenous people of the island, of features white clear eyes and colorful] Velich and Spanish.
Huge amount of mythology
Varied folklore, many dances and songs
breadth of gastronomic, unique cooking modes in Latin America,
Last possession of the Kingdom of Spain in South America
Anexado al reino de Chile en 1826
The chilote colonized tha Patagonia,
and have a presence in many of the most important milestones of national history and in the naval battle of Iqueque.
Legal exceptions global, in Chiloé is the only place in the world where the houses are real,
Furniture [move from side to side]
19:00 arrival Ancud and Stay installation
20:00 Welcome and food
23:00 closing [Taking into account how tiring journey]

Tuesday, February 22

9:00 Departure from Ancud to Lelbun
11:45 Arrive to Lelbun
13:00 Welcome with authorities of the Commune and chilote lunch
15:00 religious party chilota in Lelbun
16:00 presentation of folklore and chilote theater
17:00 workshops
20:00 once Chilota
21:00 Closing party

Wednesday, February 23

9:00 Breakfast beginning at Lelbun
10:00 trip to Castro
10:45 arrival to Castro
12:00 welcoming ceremony in Castro
13:00 Lunch
15:00 tour for the Provincial Capital [Castro], [Palafitos, catedral _ Cathedral
[Single expression barroca Island] craft fair, etc.].
19:00 Awards literary competition
21:00 Closing and return to Ancud.

Thursday, February 24

08:00 Departure to Panguipulli
14:00 Lunch at Panguipulli
15:30 to 16:30 Culture meeting with the Mapuche communities.
16:30 Departure Curarrehue for impressive route of lakes, forests, rivers and mountains.
The name Curarrehue is originally mapuche, in his language Mapudungun means:Kura 'piedra', Rehue, is a sacred altar [altar de piedra]. _ [Altar stone].Border commune founded in 1981.
It is 40 km from the border with Argentina for the step Mamuil Malal. His community is mainly Mapuche and the main economic activities are the timber industry and farming. Incipient beginning to show their tourist attractions, which include lakes, rivers and volcanoes in a protected environment of human civilization. There is a living museum, where you can share with the people and taste the gastronomy of mapuche origin. The commune near Pucon and Villarrica are part of pole development called lakeside Andean. Attractive places are the volcanoes Quetrupillán [ locally known as Mocho], Lanín [Inactive perfect cone] and Sollipulli [Type boiler], the first are located in Villarrica National Park, which includes the active volcano Villarrica, the third its is found north on the road to Reigolil.
20:30 Installation hotel.
21:00 Dinner with authorities and local poets.

Friday, February 25

9:00 to 13:00 Various activities with Commune of Curarrehue
Farewell lunch of Curarrehue
15:00 Departure to Villarrica. in 1552 Gerónimo de Alderete, sent for the Governor of Chile Pedro de Valdivia, he went from the Imperial [Current Carahue] to form Villarrica, in the same place where today stands the city. Villarrica was founded along the southern margin of the river Toltén and the western shore of Lake Mallalauquén [Currently Villarrica Lake].Geronimo de Alderete named it 'Santa Maria Magdalena de Villa Rica 'with reference to laundries and rich veins of gold, that discovered in the creeks of the knolls and forests..
18:00 Arrival to Villarrica - Installation.
20:00 Public event at the Cultural Center of Villarrica - Cocktail

Saturday, February 26

09:00 Departure to Angol. [Subir a gatas] [Rise to cats]is a city and commune of Chile,
capital of the Province of Malleco in the IX Region of Araucanía.It is located at the foot of the mountain of Nahuelbuta and along witt river Vergara.It is located 569 kilometers south of Santiago. In year 1560, the city was moved to the north by the Governor García Hurtado de Mendoza with the name of San Andrés de Los Infantes,but was attacked in year 1599, again by the araucanians.
13:00 Arrival to Angol. Installation hotel and lunch.
15:00 to 17:00 Visit to Mapuche prisoners in the jail of Angol.Workshop Literary and artistic act.
20:00 Art Poetic in public places of Angol.
22:00 Dinner

Sunday, February 27

09:00 Departure to the Curanilahue, the epicenter of the earthquake on February 27, 2010. A year after the fifth largest earthquake to be recorded in world history,the poets of the world are concentrated with communities affected for the earthquake.
Curanilahue, in year 1560, the city was moved to the north by the Governor García Hurtado de Mendoza with the name of San Andrés de Los Infantes, but was attacked in year 1599,
12:00 Event commemorating the earthquake of Feb. 27 in the Curanilahue square.
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch at Curanilahue.
15:00 departure to Santiago.

Monday, February 28

09:00 – 13:00 Closing ceremony in America Hall of the National Library.
Guests share with poets and artists of native peoples, [Mapuche, Aymara, Rapa Nui] Conferences, book presentations, readings, and delivery of diplomas.
13:30 Farewell lunch.

La ONG-WORLD 'Poets [PPdM] is an organization of poets who put their art in the service of humanity.

We are not tied to any government or political institution, or religious, nor of any kind.
Economically, we are totally independent, we do not receive any assistance work, self-supporting us with the support thanks of some poets who do so voluntarily. To Participate in our movement has no charge.

World Poets was founded on October 14, 2005 in Valparaiso - Chile by the Chilean writer Luis Arias Manzo, in a short time becomes the main guild of poets on the planet, gathering and [NOVEMBER 2010] more than seven thousand members of more than one hundred countries on five continents.

One of its main objectives is to convert the word into a real force, able to influence the destinies of the world and the balance of the planet.

Within us operates a body Poetic and diplomatic, which should provide functionality to our actions towards the poetic PEACE, because given the state of the world, it is necessary to intervene in conflicts that threaten global stability. The mission of the poet, of each member, wiht title or no title, is great, fundamental,because its mission is a daily and permanent and is not part of material boundaries that divide human beings.

Being a self-financing organization, most of the meetings we do not have funding; are those poets who pay their costs of participation or or manage the aid in their countries to engage.

Poets of the World = $ 995_ Dollars
Other = $ 1,200 _ Dollars
Cover: Hotels [9 nights], internal transport,[ they will travel more than 3 thousand kilometers]
food , credentials, official documents of the event, folder [Portfolio] participation in poetry anthology,[Paper book edited by Apostrophes Editions].

Conditions of appropriation:
Pre-registration USD 200 [Non Refundable]

Balance at time of registration on February 19, 2011

For Paypal

For Western Union
to behalf of Maggie Gómez Sepúlveda.
Santiago- Chile
Bank Draft [For payment in Chile]
Apostrophes S.A.
Banco:_Bank: BBVA


Luis Arias Manzo
[[Founder-President World]]

María Inés Huenuñir Antihuala
[Ambassador - Country Mapuche]

Jairo Gerak Millalonco Velásquez
[Consul - Chiloé]

Publicación: 15-11-2010

Translated by_Traducido por Candida Pedersen

Noticias culturales - Antologia de Grandes Poetas -

«Poetas del Mundo » prépare une rencontre poétique avec le peuple mapuche.

CHILI-Santiago (Français-Arabe: L'ONG-MONDIALE « Poetas del Mundo » organise la PREMIÈRE RENCONTRE de POÈTES DU MONDE « SUR LA ROUTE DU SUD » - UNE TRAWÜN WALMAPU WIRINTUKUFE « WILLI RÜPÜ MEW », événement qui se déroulera du samedi 19 au lundi 28 février 2011 entre Santiago, capitale chilienne, l'Île de Chiloé et la Région de los Lagos, à plus de mille kilomètres au Sud de Santiago, en plein cœur du pays mapuche. Le programme prévoit en outre un acte commémoratif du premier anniversaire du séisme qui secoua la zone le 27 février 2010 ; séisme considéré comme le cinquième plus violent séisme jamais enregistré sur la planète, laissant derrière lui des centaines de milliers de victimes et des centaines de morts. L’événement se déroulera ce même 27 février, à l’endroit même où fut enregistré de l'épicentre de la catastrophe qui frappa durement les Chiliens.

Un autre temps fort de l'événement sera la visite rendue aux prisonniers mapuches détenus dans les prisons de Temuco et d'Angol, accusés d’avoir orchestré « des actes terroristes ». Beaucoup d’entre vous se souviennent certainement des grèves de la faim symboliques menées par ces prisonniers au cours de cette dernière année et qui ont poussé certains d’entre eux tout proche de la mort.
Cet événement poétique s’inscrit dans ce qui est un des principaux devoirs de tout poète du monde, « n’oublier aucun quartier pour porter la bonne parole, comme si celle-ci était la pluie qui tombe sur la terre, offrant un spectacle de grâce, telles des fleurs pour les yeux de l'humanité. Le poète sera la lumière qui guide le guerrier, tel des dunes dans l'obscurité de la nuit. » [Article 8, Manifeste Universel de Poetas del Mundo]

Poetas del Mundo prepara encuentro poético con el pueblo mapuche. 

CHILE-Santiago [Español-Arabe]: La ONG-MUNDIAL “Poetas del Mundo” está organizando el PRIMER ENCUENTRO DE POETAS DEL MUNDO “CAMINO AL SUR” - UNE TRAWÜN WALMAPU WIRINTUKUFE “WILLI RÜPÜ MEW”, actividad que se desarrollará del Sábado 19 al lunes 28 de febrero 2011 en Santiago, la capital chilena, la Isla de Chiloé y la Región de los Lagos, a más de Mil kilómetros al Sur de Santiago en pleno corazón del país mapuche. El programa contempla además un acto conmemorativo al primer aniversario del terremoto que sacudió la zona el 27 de febrero 2010, sismo considerado el quinto más violento que se registra en el planeta y que dejó cientos de víctimas fatales y cientos de miles de damnificados. La actividad se llevará a cabo el mismo día 27 de febrero y en el epicentro de la catástrofe que golpeó duramente a los chilenos.

Otro de los momentos fuertes del evento será la visita a los presos mapuches detenidos en las cárceles de Temuco y Angol acusados de protagonizar “actos terroristas”. Muchos recordarán las emblemáticas huelgas de hambre que estos prisioneros realizaron en el transcurso de este año y que tuvo a varios de ellos al borde de la muerte.

Este evento poético se enmarca en lo que es uno de los principales deberes de todo poeta del mundo, “no dejar de visitar ningún barrio para llevar la palabra, como si ésta fuese lluvia que cae sobre la tierra, haciendo ver un espectáculo de gracia, como si fueran flores para los ojos de la humanidad. El poeta será la luz que guía al guerrero como si fuera dunas en la oscuridad de la noche.” [Artículo 8, Manifiesto Universal de poetas del Mundo]


COLOMBIA-Bucaramanga: Desde la tierra de Los Comuneros donde aún se escucha el grito libertario de José Antonio Galán, llamamos a los poetas del mundo entero, a las organizaciones inter...

1° Concurso Internacional de Poesía “Trofeo el Memorioso”. Por Jairo Gerak Millalonco Velásquez*

CHILE-Chiloé: El Consulado por Chiloé [Chile] del Movimiento Poetas del Mundo [PPdM], convoca a participar en el “1º Concurso Internacional de Poesía “Trofeo el Memorio...

POETAS DEL MUNDO: Un nuevo paso hacia la consolidación mundial.


Movimento Poetas del Mundo - www.poetasdelmundo.com





Poeta, si conoces los objetivos de nuestro movimiento “Poetas del Mundo”, al igual que nuestro “Manifiesto Universal”, y quisieras ser fiel a tus compromisos, nosotros te recibimos como uno de nuestros hermanos en tu pasión por cambiar el mundo y que tu palabra, como manifestación suprema de tu arte, sea la llave para cambiar el mundo y la historia.



Frère poète, connaissant les objectifs de notre mouvement "Poètes du Monde" ainsi que notre "Manifeste Universel", si tu souhaites demeurer fidèle aux engagements qui doivent être ceux de tout poète, nous t'accueillons comme l'un des nôtres. Puisse alors ta parole, manifestation suprême de ton art, devenir la clé d'un monde nouveau.



Poet, if you believe on our purposes and ultimate end; if you agree with our Universal Manifesto and if you feel a strong commitment as to become a faithful member of Poets of the World, then join us and let your world be validation of your political stand for changing decisively the world.

(Sign Up)


Poeta, se voce conhece o objetivo do nosso movimento “Poetas do Mundo”, o mesmo que o nosso “Manifesto Universal” e queira ser fiel a seu compromisso, te receberemos como a um irmão com a mesma paixão de mudar o mundo com palabras, como uma manifestação suprema de sua arte e que seja esta a cheve para mudarmos o mundo e a historia.


"Fai parte del nostro movimento!

Fratello poeta, conoscendo gli obiettivi del nostro movimento "Poeti nel mondo" e il nostro "Manifesto Universale", se vorrai essere fedele agli impegni che dovrebbero essere comuni a tutti i poeti, ti accogliamo come uno di noi. Possa quindi la tua parola, manifestazione suprema della tua arte, essere la chiave di un mondo nuovo."

(Per Registrare)



DichterIn, wenn Du die Ziele unserer Bewegung “Poetas del Mundo” kennst, genauso wie unser “Manifiesto Universal”, und Du gerne unseren Verpflichtungen treu sein würdest, empfangen wir Dich wie einen unserer Geschwister in Deiner Leidenschaft, die Welt zu verändern und dass Dein Wort, wie eine höchste Manifestation Deiner Kunst der Schlüssel sei, um Die Welt und die Geschichte zu ändern.

(sich einschreiben)


Olerkilari, “Munduko Poetak” geure mugimenduaren helburuak ezagutzen badituzu, baita “Ageri Unibertsala” ere, halaber zure sinesmenekin leiala izan nahi baduzu, guk, mundua alda dadin duzun pasioan, anaiatzat onartzen zaitugu, eta zure berba, zure trebetasunaren adierazpen funtsezkoa izanik, mundua aldatzeko giltza izan dadin.


انضم الي حركتنا

أيها الشاعر،اذا آمنت بأهداف حركتنا:حركة "شعراء العالم" ومن ثمة ب"بياننا الكوني"
وأردت أن تظل وفيا لالتزاماتك فاننا نحتفي بك كواحد منا و برغبتك في تغيير العالم فلتكن كلماتك بمثابة المانيفستو الأسمي لفنك ولتكن أنت مفتاح تغيير هذا العالم و التاريخ




Pesnice, ako znaš ciljeve našeg pokreta “Pesnici sveta”, kao i naš “Univerzalni manifest”, i želiš da budeš veran zadatoj reci, primamo te kao jednog od naše brace po strasti da menjamo svet, da tvoja rec, kao vrhovni izraz tvoje umetnosti, bude kljuc za promenu sveta i istorije.

(Uclani se)

"Texto de explicación en Croata"



Poeta, si coneixes els objectius del nostre moviment “Poetes del Món”, igual que el nostre “Manifest Universal”, i voldries ser fidel als teus compromisos, nosaltres et rebem com a un dels nostres germans, en la teva passió per canviar el món i que la teva paraula, com manifestació suprema del teu art, sigui la clau per canviar el món i la història.



Anslut dig!

Poet, om du känner till syftet med vår rörelse Världens Poeter samt vårt Universella Manifest och vill vara trogen dina åtaganden så välkomnar vi dig som en av oss . Med dina ord kan du förändra världen !

(Skriv pâ)

Присоединяйтесь к нам!

Поэт, если ты знаешь цели нашего движения «Поэты Мира», а также наш «Вселенский Манифест», и хотел бы наши задачи сделать своими, мы примем тебя как своего собрата по страсти изменить мир и сделать так, чтобы твоё слово, как высшее выражение твоего искусства, стало бы ключом к изменению мира и его истории.


شاعر عزیز، اگر از  اهداف جنبش ما،« شاعران دنیا»  و همچنین «بیانیه جهانی» ما آگاهی

یافتی و خواستی به تعهدات خویش وفادار مانی، ما تو را بعنوان یکی از برادران خویش در شور تو برای تغییر دنیا می پذیریم ، باشد که کلام تو که برترین جلوه هنر توست، کلید تغییر دنیا و تاریخ باشد.

ثبت نام



Ποιητή, αν γνωρίζεις τους σκοπούς του κινήματος «Ποιητές του Κόσμου»,καθώς και την «Παγκόσμια Διακήρυξή» μας και θέλεις να μείνεις πιστός στις δεσμεύσεις σου, σε δεχόμαστε σαν έναν από τους αδελφούς μας μέσα στο πάθος σου να αλλάξεις τον κόσμο και τον λόγο σου, ύψιστη έκφραση της τέχνης σου, σαν το κλειδί για να αλλάξει ο κόσμος και η ιστορία.





משורר, אם הינך מזדהה עם מטרות התנועה שלנו- "משוררי העולם", ועם האמנה הבינלאומית שלנו, והיית מעוניין לממש את התחייבותך כלפי עצמך, אנו מקבלים אותך כאחינו, בתשוקתינו המשותפת לשנות את העולם. מילותייך, כביטוי עליון לאומנותך, תהיה המפתח לשינוי העולם וההיסטוריה.



Ay amedyaz ! mek tessned iwettasen n umussu-nneγ « Imedyazen n umad’al » akw d « walghu-nnegh anmeghrad » d mek trid ad teqqimed d anmentil izdin, aqel-agh da yissek nessens’uf zund yiwen seg wayetmaten-nnegh g urumsu-nnek g usenfel n umad’al; ad ig wawal-nnek tameskanit tameqwrant n tz’uri-nnek itteggan tasarut n usenfel n umad’al d umezruy.



Poeta, zi canelâ lô oxxetibô de nuettro mobimiento "Poetâ der Mundo" a l'iguá qe nuettro "Manifietto Uniberzá", i qamelarâ ze fié a tû qonpromizô, nozotrô te arreqoxemô qomo uno de nuettrô ermanô en tu pazión pó qanbiá'r mundo i qe tu palabra, qomo manifettazión zuprema de tu arte, zea la yabe pa qanbiá'r mundo i la ittoria.





(Inscribirse) (S'inscrire) (Sign Up) (Inscreverse) Per Registrare (sich einschreiben) Per Registrare (Inskribatu) (تسجيل) (Uclani se) (inscriur-es) (Skriv pâ) (Записаться) ثبت نام  ΔΙΑΚΗΡΥΞΗ  申し込んでください。  חתימה: GGEZ!

Este mensaje se envía a su correo
con base en el Art. 28b de la ley 19.955 que reforma la ley de derechos del consumidor, y los artículos 2 y 4 de la ley 19.628 sobre protección de la vida privada o datos de carácter personal, todo esto en conformidad a los numerales 4 y 12 de la constitución política. Su dirección ha sido extraída manualmente por personal de nuestra compañía desde su sitio Web en Internet, o ha sido introducida por usted al aceptar el envío de mensajes publicitarios al inscribirse en alguno de los sitios o foros de nuestra Red de trabajo. Para ser removido escriba aquí: info@poetasdelmundo.com

Luis Arias Manzo
[Fundador-Presidente Mundial]


Teléfono fijo: 56-2-633 1200
Celular: 56-9075 421


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